Friday, 23 April 2010

Maddy modelling new prom dress and shoes.

Johnny is dressed as an evacuee for History Day at school.Although he was happy at the time, afterwards he did say to me he would rather have been dressed as a soldier, than as a vacuum cleaner.
AtEaster we took a trip to Portsmouth to see the Historic Naval Dockyard.

Easter 10

Lovely weather for ducks!
This is the first time the ducklings had swum in phoebes old baby bath.

This is a picture of Albert. Though I dont know if he is Albert any longer, we have our suspicions he may be Alberta!

Monday, 15 March 2010

Maddy's Drama Award and Johnny's bandaged forehead!

Ducklings sleeping on Minnes lap.

Jerrys new car.
We think it's a real one but we are not sure.

Johnny is on the phone to daddy here, telling him all about his dreadful injury today. We are looking forward to seeing the Harry Potteresque scar.The reason he is dressed in black is that he was being batman at the time... and the hair is as a result of the doctor washing his forehead, I admit it doesn't make for the best look.

We had to take about fourteen photos until one finally passed the stringent publishing criteria- but here it is.. Maddy and Shakespeare duo Cup...not posed

Cadburys World-Sat March 13th 2010

in the interactive section, shadows of Min (left) John (middle) and Reuben (right) in a shower of maltesers..
standing in front of the mayan clock, this is what we thought of their tradition to add chilli to chocolate...

this is melted chocolate.... honest....

We never want to see another bar of chocolate again.... okay until at least next week.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

ducklings in training

Reuben and Minne are convinced they can train the ducklings to follow simple commands as demonstrated by the video, obviously these are not just average ducklings.....

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Arrival of the Ducklings

The ducklings are proving a huge hit with everyone. Two pink beaked ones we assume are girls for the present and are called dotty and clarabelle, the one with the black beak we assume is a boy as he is nearly twice the size. He is albert or odbod depending on the day. All names are subject to change in 6 wks time!