Wednesday, 30 December 2009

More Christmas items - a man with "pets" came to say hello.....

Monday, 28 December 2009

Photos for Toby

Here are some Christmas photos!

The car photos come from some "open field" driving - Maddy and Melanie getting some driving lessons from an expert. Sheryl caught in the back of the car trying to get out.

And Steve putting his best foot forward.....
This was all published thanks to your brother in law. Your wife promises to put some more photos on tomorrow but she cant be bothered at the moment because she is too tired and drinking wine.

Saturday, 26 December 2009

We even had a visit from the Big man himself...well not us but No 1 Coy. Toby was so excited. The Guardsmen enjoyed being served their Christmas lunch by a 4 Star General. He was a real star. Note the wristbands.
Great day.

You will see from the photos that I get more presents when away from home. I shall have to do this more often........NOT! We even had our own fly by.... by an F18. The sun shone on Christmas day and the blokes got a chance to relax as all the seniors manned the sangars and did their duties. Thank you to everyone who sent me parcels. I really want for nothing now and can probably last till the spring - indeed after this christmas, I will have to go on a diet!

Friday, 25 December 2009

Merry Christmas to you all. I hope the day was good for all and that you stayed in your pajamas all day. I have been guarding the camp, welcoming visitors, dishing out the Christmas lunch, taking part in the PB2 Big Quiz (runners up) and trying to call. Sadly the telephone lines are all busy, so I could not get through. I will call when you are up and Nikki's. In the meantime, I will post some shots of where we are living. Top photo RSM, me and Simon, then the shower block, which looks a bit sinister but is rather effective, then our clothes washing machine, which is surprisingly effective too. Middle, is my office and the lower my sleeping accommodation, which in essence is just the end of a tent. I know have some bedding and sheets on my bed and the whole place looks a bit more lived in. Strangely though, there are no towels on the floor.

Love Daddy.

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Wednesday, 23 December 2009


Sunday, 20 December 2009

Just a few more photos of pre, during patrol action. All quite tame and we were very safe.

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Decorating the Cookhouse for Christmas Party

Everyone helping out to get the room ready for the Christmas party, army style.
Only one problem, just one short set of ladders.
Oh, and other problem, none of the decorations have strings on !!

Lukes Fencing birthday party

Minne, Reuben And Johnny cunningly disguised as the three musketeers.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Some more photos. The blokes in a photo shoot for the Hesco Bastion photo competition. Me out and about and doing some more public speaking.

Some more photos. All the kids look like Reuben. Charlie was standing on a rock when this photo was taken. The others were taken at a meeting with the locals prior to Eid. Then we gave out Eid gifts